
Not all who wander are lost, though they may feel like it at times. But after 37 nights in a hotel (and 57 nights living out of a suitcase!), we have found rest! We are thrilled with the house God has given us — it’s size, arrangement, landlord, location,...


Thank you, friends, for your many prayers for our transition back to Cambodia. The flights were largely uneventful, and we hardly felt the effects of jet lag. Our longer-than-expected time in Phnom Penh was a strange mix of crazy-busy (the usual Phnom Penh tasks of...

Short- and long-term requests

Dear friends, Since I last updated you, the Lord has done for us all that I asked you to pray for. We have been based out of Nashville since August, continuing to enjoy profitable times with partner churches, reporting on our first term in Cambodia, as well as...

Except the Lord Build the House…

We’ve been in the US since early April and Cambodia seems a world away, both geographically and temporally. As I’ve shared with many of you already, moving a young family of nine around the world for nine months was not exactly my idea of...

Telling the Old Story (March 2015)

Dear Partners, Here is a summary of our activities over the past month. Please read, be encouraged, and return to prayer for us and the people of Cambodia. Telling the gospel story The whole Bible in 2 characters: Adam and Jesus. The whole Bible in 5 characters: Adam,...