October news

I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel As we bounced our way down the road back from Na Ong village this past Sunday, I was reflecting on this testimony of Paul and the way it is playing itself out in our own...

Summer news

During the first year of the pandemic, Cambodia was almost completely spared. Since late February, however, cases have been rising significantly, along with restrictions on public activities. We are currently unable to meet publicly for worship or outreach, leaving us...

Winter news

Here are six ways you can praise and pray with us regarding life in Stung Treng: 1. A new home Praise the Lord! He is providing us a home of our own in Stung Treng! Many of you have given so generously and unexpectedly, and we are overwhelmed and humbled by your...

Please praise and pray with us!

When we first moved to Stung Treng five years ago, we breathed a huge sigh of relief, thrilled with the prospect of discontinuing our habit of moving every 1-2 years, and hopefully staying in this house for many years (decades?) to come.  February, 2016 The house...

September news

Dear Gospel partners, Thank you for your continued work with us. Here is how your prayers and gifts are at work in NE Cambodia, and how we need you to further direct your prayers … Old Testament overview class Starting Saturday morning, I will begin teaching an...